Belajar Bahasa Inggris Gratis - Kali ini admin share pelajaran terbaru mengenai Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition Beserta Generic Structure. Pelajaran genre ini merupakan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang biasanya mulai dikenalkan di tingkat/ jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Analytical Exposition adalah teks opini atau uraian gagasan penulis untuk membujuk para pembaca dengan disertai argumen-argumen yang sesuai atau dianggap benar oleh penulis (Baca juga : Contoh Teks Hortatory Exposition). Langsung saja, admin akan mencoba membahas materi ini secara lengkap mulai dari pengertian/ definisi, tujuan, generic structure, dan contoh teksnya.


A. Pengertian (Definition)

Analytical Exposition adalah uraian gagasan dari penulis tentang kejadian/ fenomena yang ada disekitarnya.

B. Tujuan (Purpose)

  1. Untuk meyakinkan para pembaca atau pendengar bahwa ada sesuatu yang layak untuk mendapatkan perhatian.
  2. Untuk menganalisa sebuah topik dan meyakinkan atau membujuk pembaca bahwa pendapat dari penulis benar dengan didukung argumen-argumen.

C. Struktur Umum (Generic Structure)

  1. Thesis : Mengenalkan topik dan menunjukkan posisi pembicara atau penulis dan berisi garis besar argumen yang akan disampaikan atau presentasikan.
  2. Arguments : Berisi poin yang menyatakan argumen utama dan poin elaborasi yang mengembangkan dan mendukung setiap poin utama dari argumen.
  3. Conclusion : Disebut juga reiterasi (penyajian kembali) yang berisi kesimpulan kembali dari argumen yang sudah dijelaskan.

D. Ciri-Ciri Bahasa (Language Features)

  1. Fokus pada generic human/ non human participants
  2. Menggunakan mental processes guna menyatakan apa yang penulis rasakan.
  3. Menggunakan Material processes
  4. Menggunakan Relatioal Processes
  5. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
  6. Menggunakan Internal Conjunction untuk menyatakan argumen
  7. Menggunakan Casual Conjunction

E. Contoh Text Analytical Exposition Bahasa Inggris

Setelah anda mempelajari pengertian, tujuan, struktur umum dan ciri-ciri bahasanya. Saatnya admin memberikan beberapa contoh dari Teks Analytical Exposition. Silahkan dibaca 2 contoh teks Analytical Exposition Tentang Sampah dan Alam dibawah ini kemudian cobalah analisis struktur umum (generic structure) dan juga ciri-ciri bahasanya (language features).


Much of what we throw away could be used again. Recycling puts "garbage" to good use. Recycling helps preserve precious resources because it saves on the use of raw materials and energy. It also reduces the pollution
caused when the waste is dumped.

Glass can be remelted. This is better than making fresh glass from raw materials, but it is even better to reuse the bottle whole. Metals can be recycled by being remelted and then used to make other new items. The metals to recycle from an ordinary household are aluminum and steel from cans. Scrap from cars gives several different metals for recycling

Paper is easy to recycle. Every home and office should have a paper reclining routine. Plastics are the worst problem because they do not biodegrade (breakdown) easily. They are also hard to recycle and cause harmful pollution when burned. It is important to use as little plastics as possible, and then only ones that are recyclable or biodegradable. (Taken from Natural Resources, 1993)


Rain forests are one of the most complicated environments on Earth. They are recognised worldwide as containing the richest source of plants and animals and are believed to contain nearly three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth. This is remarkable because rain forests cover only about six per cent of the Earth's land surface.

Rain forest are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insects and birds than any other environment found on our planet. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life are to be found in rain forests. Unfortunately, the widespread destruction of many of the world's rain forests has caused a significant decline in the number of plant and animal species on Earth.

Rain forests influence both our local and global climates. For example, between 50 and 80 per cent of the moisture in the air above rain forests comes from the rain forest's trees. If large areas of these lush rain forests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop. Eventually, the area's climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convert rain forests into a sparse grassland or desert.

Rain forests are also able to absorb over 90 per cent of the rainfall in their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by
gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.

Rain forests are vital to the Earth in helping to recycle carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the gas put into the air globally by humans, mainly by the burning of fossil fuels (for example in cars and factories). Rain forests are able to remove carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in its place. This
is why our global rain forests are often
called the Earth's ‘lungs'.

Rain forests are major producers of the Earth's oxygen. In fact, scientists believe that nearly 50 per cent of the Earth's oxygen is produced by rain forest in the Amazon region alone. Nearly 40 per cent of the world's carbon is contained in the trees of the rain forests. As rain forests are cut down and burned, carbon dioxide is released into the Earth's atmosphere. Eventually, as this gas builds up the atmosphere, leading to what scientists call the enhanced greenhouse effect.

To sum up, the role of the rain forest is essential for human life. It creates equilibrium in our environment and its resources are significant for human beings survival.
(Taken from SOSE: Studies of Society and Environment, 2000)

F. Contoh Text Analytical Exposition Beserta Generic Structure

Sekarang admin kasih contoh teks Analytical Exposition Tentang Kesehatan yang disertai analisis struktur umumnya. Perhatikan teks dibawah ini yang berjudul "Access to Clean Water: A Problem for Indonesia".


Access to clean water is one of Indonesia's biggest problem. According to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Report 2007, published by the National
Development Planning Board, piped water is accessible to 30.8 per cent of households in the country's cities and 9 per cent in its villages. Such figures show the limitations of the municipality's water service provider, PDAM.

Lack of investment in clean water is one reason PDAM gives for its limited outreach. Based on a government statement, to meet the MDGs target by 2015, Indonesia needs Rp43 trillion (US$4.6 billion) in clean water funding. The government currently provides Rp500 billion.

In order to close the funding gap, the government expects private investment in drinking water infrastructure.

The need for clean water funding is something that cannot be covered by private investment. In Indonesia, most PDAM utilities have small scales of economy and are therefore unattractive to investors.

There is no evidence to suggest private investors will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water services, whereas the government has a duty to do so.

Increasing public funding for clean water infrastructure is the most rational approach for Indonesia. This effort should begin with an analysis of the needs of locals. This should be done through a democratic and participatory process.

There are resources and mechanisms the government could employ to increase clean water funding, such as state and local budgets, grants, government bonds and community-public partnership. (Taken from The Jakarta Post, April 5, 2008)

Setelah anda membaca teks diatas, coba perhatikan teks yang diberi warna pada setiap paragrafnya. Paragraf yang berwarna orange adalah Thesis. Paragraf yang berwarna merah adalah arguments. Paragraf yang berwarna purple adalah conclusion. 

Mungkin cukup sekian pembahasan admin mengenai contoh-contoh teks Analytical Exposition. Tunggu pelajaran selanjutnya, dan jangan lupa follow fanpage blog ini untuk memudahkan anda menerima informasi terbaru .


Informasi Guru - Berikut admin share info Pendaftaran PPG Pra Jabatan Bersubsidi Tahun 2017. Bagi anda para guru yang tertarik mengikuti Program Profesi Guru dari pemerintah ini, silahkan segera daftarkan diri anda. Program PPG sendiri ada 2 macam yaitu PPG Pra Jabatan Bersubsidi yang pembiayaan pendidikannya dibantu oleh pemerintah dan PPG Reguler yang pembiayaan pendidikannya ditanggung mahasiswa/ sendiri. Sementara ini yang baru dibuka pendaftarannya adalah PPG Pra Jabatan Bersubsidi. Berikut persyaratan yang wajib anda penuhi sebelum mendaftar :


  1. Lulusan S1/D4 program studi terakreditasi minimal B;
  2. Berusia setinggi-tingginya 28 tahun dihitung sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember tahun pendaftaran;
  3. Program studi S1/D4 linier dengan bidang studi pada program PPG;
  4. Calon mahasiswa terdaftar pada Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi (PDDIKTI);
  5. IPK minimal 3,00;
  6. Mengupload foto, ijazah/SKL (Surat Keterangan Lulus), transkrip nilai.

Dokumen yang WAJIB dibawa atau ditunjukkan pada saat Seleksi BAKAT dan MINAT :

  1. Bebas Napza, yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari BNN atau yang berwenang;
  2. Sehat jasmani yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter rumah sakit pemerintah;
  3. Sehat rohani yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter rumah sakit pemerintah;
  4. Berkelakuan baik yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari kepolisian;
  5. Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama mengikuti program PPG, yang dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan bermaterai Rp 6.000,00 dan disyahkan oleh Lurah/ Kepala Desa.

Program Studi PPG Pra Jabatan Bersubsidi yang dibuka :

  1. Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
  2. Teknik Elektronika
  3. Teknik Elektro
  4. Teknik Otomotif
  5. Teknik Mesin
  6. Teknik Kimia
  7. Teknologi Penangkapan Ikan
  8. Agribisnis Produksi Ternak
  9. Agribisnis Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian & Perikanan
  10. Kepariwisataan
  11. Agribisnis Produksi Tanaman
  12. Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
  13. Matematika
  14. Bahasa Inggris
  15. Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Kesehatan
  16. Pendidikan Luar Biasa

Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 8 - 20 Mei 2017. Keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan anda kunjungi ke situs resminya Itu tadi Info Pendaftaran PPG Pra Jabatan Bersubsidi Tahun 2017. Semoga bermanfaat.


Gratis Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Kali ini admin share kembali salah satu tipe genre yaitu Hortatory Exposition Bahasa Inggris Beserta Generic Structure. Apa itu Hortatory Exposition Text? Hortatory mempunyai makna mendorong atau memaksa seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu. Sedangkan Exposition bermakna penjelasan atau penjabaran dari sebuah teori yang dilakukan secara komprehensif. Pengertian Hortatory Exposition adalah sebuah penjelasan teks teori yang isinya bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi pembaca untuk mengikuti gagasan yang ditulis oleh penulis.


Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. (Hortatory Exposition adalah jenis teks lisan atau tulisan yang dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan pendengar atau pembaca bahwa sesuatu seharusnya atau tidak boleh terjadi atau dilakukan).

Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc. (Teks Hortatory Exposition dapat ditemukan di buku ilmiah, jurnal, majalah, artikel surat kabar, pidato akademis atau ceramah, laporan penelitian, dll).

Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and educated people. (Hortatory expositions sangat populer di kalangan sains, akademisi, dan orang berpendidikan).

To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind of text can be called as argumentation. (Untuk memperkuat penjelasan tersebut, pembicara atau penulis membutuhkan beberapa argumen sebagai alasan mendasar dari gagasan yang diberikan. Dengan kata lain, teks semacam ini bisa disebut sebagai argumentasi).


To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done. (Untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa sesuatu seharusnya atau tidak seharusnya terjadi atau harus dilakukan).


1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern

Disebut juga general statement yang berisi pernyataan pembuka tentang topik bahasan.

2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation.

Pada paragraf ini berisi tentang pembahasan lanjutan dari thesis statement diatas secara detail. Pembahasan dalam argument ini tidak hanya berisi pendapat pribadi penulis saja tapi juga bisa berisi pendapat para pakar.

3. Recommendation : Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given arguments

Pada paragraf ini berisi saran penulis tentang topik pembahasan.


1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using modals
3. Using action verbs
4. Using thinking verbs
5. Using adverbs
6. Using adjective
8. Using general and abstract noun
9. Using connectives/transition


"Bullying: A Cancer That Must Be Eradicated"


A tragic end to an education that had barely begun 13-year-old Kiki stopped schooling because her classmates used to make fun of her relentlessly. They had accidentally discovered her humble background, her father being a street vendor. In another case, 15 year old Dinda could not take it anymore. She became depressed, left school and stayed at home because she was constantly teased by her classmates for failing in junior high school.

And in yet another, more recent case, some senior students of a junior high school took seven junior students, and subjected them to violent beatings. Sherry, one of the junior students, was rushed to hospital with bruises on his abdomen. He is extremely scared to go to school. Julie, a 10 year old, fifth grade student, states that her first two years of elementary school were a traumatic experience. She sadly remembers being cruelly bullied by her male classmates because she was overweight. They used to call her Sumatran elephant, baboon, gentong and many other names.

Argument (1-6)

These are few cases out of hundreds of similar cases and the number is increasing over the time. In Indonesia bullying exists in every form, from teasing to extreme abuse. Even though incidents of bullying are common, unfortunately it is not seen as a major problem. A recent survey conducted by National Child Protection Commission has shown that more than half of bullying incidents go unreported due to the fact that it is considered normal in some parts of the society. Also the people who get bullied are either unwilling to report it because they feel it will “make a big deal”. Or worse, they are so scared that they don't trust anyone and do not want to share their plight with anyone. The issue of bullying has been a problem for years but recently it got limelight from news media when few cases were reported.

Bullying affects the children both psychologically and physically. It is estimated that hundreds of children miss school every day due to the fear of being mistreated by other students and in some extreme cases they choose to home school, or in severe circumstances they stop studying altogether.

Children should not be living in constant fear. They shouldn't be afraid. On the contrary, they should look forward to every day of school and enjoy school life.
According to a research bullying has always existed in Indonesian society, but it has come to surface due to the recent proliferation of media technologies (Craig, 2009). Since bullying is prevalent in our society it is important that everyone should be made aware of this social evil. There should be campaigns to increase awareness. Everyone should be working together, against it, to stop it. It is distressing to see our children being isolated from society because they are treated badly. I am of opinion that no one has any right to harass or make people feel inferior. No one should have that kind of power. These children are our future and we should make every possible effort to stop bullying.

I would like to point out that bullying is everyone's problem and responsibility. If you condone bullying in any way, shape or form it means you are taking part in it whether it is directly or indirectly by being silent. Majority of people agree that we have to work together towards eliminating this problem.

Some people may consider taunting someone as funny, even though it is anything but funny to the person who is at the receiving end. Minor taunts can
create a lot of pain and suffering. While it may seem innocent but the cumulative effect could be highly damaging. In addition to that, as the pain increases, each instance cuts a little deeper which eventually becomes a sore.

It is highly possible that bullying might happen in your school so it is the liability of every student to protect their classmates and try to stop bullying. If it doesn't work then you should inform your teachers or parents. Not many of us think of stopping it. As long as it doesn't happen to us why should we get involved, why should we bother? But the time has come for us to be actively involved in eradicating bullying (Farrington, 1993).


So next time if you see someone getting bullied, would you try to stop it or let it happen? Remember, bullying is everyone's problem; therefore everyone has to be the part of the solution.

Itu tadi pembahasan kita mengenai Hortatory Exposition Text Bahasa Inggris Beserta Generic Structure. Tunggu postingan admin selanjutnya dan jangan lupa follow fanpagenya. selamat belajar !


Belajar Bahasa Inggris Gratis - Berikut ini admin share Undangan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya. Pernikahan pastinya bagi sebagian besar orang yang sudah dewasa baik laki maupun perempuan sangat ditunggu dan merupakan momen yang sangat sakral. Salah satu hal yang wajib kamu persiapkan sebelum hari H pernikahan diantaranya adalah membuat undangan pernikahan. Berikut ini beberapa contoh undangan pernikahan dengan Bahasa Inggris dan artinya yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk referensi tugas pelajaran Bahasa inggris di sekolah.



(English Version)
Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb

The honor of your presence
is requested at the marriage of

Joni Pratama
Shinta Bella

Thursday, the seventh of June
two thousand seventeen
at half past ten in the morning

Cendana Hotel
233 Main Street
Jakarta, Indonesia


(Indonesia Version)

Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb

Mengharap kehadiran anda dengan penuh hormat pada acara pernikahan

Joni Pratama
Shinta Bella

Hari Kamis, 7 Juni 2017
Pukul 10.30 Pagi
Tempat Hotel Cendana No. 233
Jakarta, Indonesia


(English Version)
With great pleasure 

Lutfil Hakim, SP.d
Mayasari Utami, S. Kom
invite you to join them
at the celebration of their marriage

the ninth of July
two thousand seventeen
at ten o'clock in the morning

Cendana Hotel
233 Main Street
Jakarta, Indonesia


(Indonesia Version)

Dengan penuh senang hati
Lutfil Hakim, SP.d
Mayasari Utami, S. Kom
Mengundang Anda untuk bergabung bersama pada saat perayaan pernikahan

Hari Sabtu,
09 Juli 2017
Pukul 10.00 Pagi

Tempat Hotel Cendana No. 233
Jakarta, Indonesia


(English Version)
With great joy
you are invited to
celebrate the marriage of

Soni Dwi Aksara
Dita Agustina

Monday, the ninth of July
two thousand seventeen
at ten o'clock in the morning

Cendana Hotel
233 Main Street
Jakarta, Indonesia


(Indonesia Version)
Dengan penuh gembira, kami undang Anda pada acara pernikahan

Soni Dwi Aksara
Dita Agustina

Senin, 09 Juli 2017
Pukul 10.00 Pagi

Hotel Cendana No. 233
Jakarta, Indonesia 


(English Version)

Junaidi and Mariyani Family

request the pleasure of your presence
at the marriage of our son

Soni Dwi Aksara
Dita Agustina

Daughter of
Permadi and Sarwanti Family

Monday, the ninth of July
two thousand seventeen
at ten o'clock in the morning

Cendana Hotel
233 Main Street
Jakarta, Indonesia


(Indonesia Version)

Keluarga Junaidi dan Mariyani

Dengan senang hati mengharap kehadiran Anda pada acara pernikahan anak kami

Soni Dwi Aksara
Dita Agustina

Anak dari
Keluarga Permadi dan Sarwanti

Hari Senin, 09 Juli 2017
Pukul 10.00 Pagi

Tempat Hotel Cendana No. 233
Jakarta, Indonesia


Permadi and Sarwanti Family
Junaidi and Mariyani Family

request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of our children

Andi Pratama
Rina Malata

Monday, the ninth of July
two thousand seventeen
at ten o'clock in the morning

Cendana Hotel
233 Main Street
Jakarta, Indonesia 

(Indonesia Version)

Dengan rasa hormat, meminta kehadiran Anda pada acara pernikahan anak kami

Andi Pratama
Rina Malata

Hari Senin, 09 Juli 2017
Pukul 10.00 Pagi

Tempat Hotel Cendana No. 233
Jakarta, Indonesia

Itu tadi beberapa contoh Undangan Pernikahan Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya. Semoga artikel yang admin share kali ini bisa bermanfaat buat anda. Jangan lupa support kami dengan klik fanpage. Terima kasih.


Berikut admin share Contoh Soal SBMPTN Soshum dan Pembahasannya. SBMPTN merupakan seleksi yang dilakukan oleh  PTN di lingkungan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemristekdikti) dan Kementerian Agama secara bersama di bawah koordinasi Panitia Pusat dengan seleksi berdasarkan hasil ujian tertulis dalam bentuk cetak (Paper Based Testing) atau menggunakan komputer (Computer Based Testing), atau kombinasi hasil ujian tertulis dan ujian keterampilan calon mahasiswa.

contoh soal sbmptn soshum dan pembahasannya

Materi ujian yang diberikan diantaranya, (1) Tes Kemampuan dan Potensi Akademik (TKPA), (2) Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sains dan Teknologi (TKD Saintek) terdiri atas mata uji Matematika, Biologi, Kimia, dan Fisika, dan (3) Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sosial dan Humaniora (TKD Soshum) terdiri atas mata uji Sosiologi, Sejarah, Geografi, dan Ekonomi. Untuk postingan kali ini admin share khusus soal TKD Soshum yang berjumlah 60 soal.


  1. Waktu ujian yang disediakan adalah 75 menit (60 soal).
  2. Pilihlah jawaban yang kamu anggap benar dengan klik salah  1 jawaban.
  3. Passing grade yang diberikan adalah 80%, jika anda melewati batas itu berarti anda dinyatakan lolos ujian ini.
  4. Setelah menjawab jangan lupa klik submit untuk mengetahui benar/ salah jawaban anda.
  5. Klik next untuk mengerjakan soal selanjutnya.


Petunjuk A

  • Pilih jawaban yang paling benar (A, B, C, D, atau E)

Petunjuk B

  • (A) jika pernyataan benar, alasan benar, keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat
  • (B) jika pernyataan benar, alasan benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan sebab akibat.
  • (C) jika pernyataan benar, alasan salah.
  • (D) jika pernyataan salah, alasan benar.
  • (E) jika pernyataan dan alasan, keduanya salah.

Petunjuk C

  • (A) jika jawaban 1, 2, dan 3 benar
  • (B) jika jawaban 1 dan 3 benar
  • (C) jika jawaban 2 dan 4 benar
  • (D) jika jawaban 4 saja yang benar
  • (E) jika semua jawaban benar

Setelah soal yang anda kerjakan selesai, hasil dari jawaban langsung bisa dilihat. Soal SBMPTN ini admin ambil dari soal tahun 2015. Silahkan klik link contoh soal SBMPTN Soshum dan Jawabannya dibawah ini :

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