Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Berikut ini admin share pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dasar tentang 12 macam cara bagaimana kita mengucapkan minta maaf kepada seseorang dengan benar. Semoga materi singkat ini bisa membantu adik-adik yang sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris atau mendapatkan tugas dari sekolah.

  1. That was rude of me. I’m sorry.
  2. I hope you’ll forgive me for…
  3. I do apologize for…
  4. Please excuse me my late response.
  5. I beg your pardon.
  6. My apologies for the delay.
  7. I apologize for…
  8. Please, forgive me for my…
  9. Please, forgive me for…
  10. I’m ashamed of…
  11. I’m really ashamed of what I did.
  12. I’m really sorry about what I said.

70 Kata Sinonim Bahasa Inggris Yang Wajib Kamu Pelajari

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dasar - Berikut admin share Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dasar tentang 70 Kata Sinonim atau persamaan kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang wajib kalian pelajari guna memperbanyak kosakata. Jika kalian mau menonton video tentang 70 kata sinonim Bahasa Inggris ini, admin berikan link channel Youtube dibawah postingan ini. Selamat belajar !

  1. Large = Big
  2. Exit = Leave
  3. Present = Gift
  4. Alike = Same
  5. Stone = Rock
  6. Last = Final
  7. Easy = Simple
  8. False = Untrue
  9. Above = Over
  10. Difficult = Hard
  11. Write = Record
  12. Mistake = Error
  13. Occur = Happen
  14. Eat = Consume
  15. Trip = Journey
  16. Sad = Unhappy
  17. Good = Fine
  18. Job = Occupation
  19. Infant = Baby
  20. Select = Choose
  21. Accurate = Correct
  22. Always = Forever
  23. Connect = Join
  24. Clarify = Explain
  25. Awful = Terrible
  26. Bizzare = Weird
  27. Small = Tiny
  28. Speak = Talk
  29. Fast = Quick
  30. Sick = ill
  31. Near = Close
  32. Start = Begin
  33. Raise = Lift
  34. Under = Below
  35. Angry = Mad
  36. True = Correct
  37. Old = Ancient
  38. Rich = Wealthy
  39. Safe = Secure
  40. Afraid = Scared
  41. Arrive = Reach
  42. Care = Protection
  43. Rule = Law
  44. One = Single
  45. Keep = Hold
  46. End = Finish
  47. Respect = Honor
  48. Get = Receive
  49. Glad = Happy
  50. Damage = Hurt
  51. Behave = Act
  52. Correct = Right
  53. Delicate = Fragile
  54. Disappear = Vanish
  55. Silent = Quite
  56. Show = Display
  57. Rude = Impolite
  58. Annoy = Irritate
  59. Native = Local
  60. Operate = Function
  61. Non-stop = Continuous
  62. Diminish = Decrease
  63. Disclaim = Deny
  64. Intelligent = Clever
  65. Appear = Seem
  66. Want = Desire
  67. Odd = Strange
  68. Amount = Quantity
  69. Ask = Inquire
  70. Brave = Bold


Video tentang 70 kata Sinonim dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa anda tonton di channel YouTube Hanibi. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung. Semoga bermanfaat !

Belajar Prepositional Phrases (in, at, on, by) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Kali ini kita belajar Bahasa Inggris tentang Prepositional Phrases In, On, At, dan By. Semakin sering kita menggunakan prepositional phrases tersebut dalam membuat kalimat atau speaking maka akan semakin mempermudah kita dalam memahami makna kalimatnya. Semoga contoh-contoh prepositional phrases dibawa ini bisa membantu pembaca yang mendalami materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.




  1. in time
  2. in demand
  3. in of focus
  4. in an uproar
  5. in answer to
  6. in anticipation of
  7. in arrears
  8. in danger
  9. in decline
  10. in defense of
  11. in detail
  12. in disgrace
  13. in disguise
  14. in fact
  15. in fairness to
  16. in favor of
  17. in fear of
  18. in flames
  19. in flower
  20. in full
  21. in future
  22. in gear
  23. in general
  24. in good condition
  25. in good faith
  26. in hand
  27. in harmony with
  28. in haste
  29. in hiding
  30. in high spirits
  31. in honor of
  32. in horror
  33. in ink


  1. on watch
  2. on schedule
  3. on the record
  4. on the road
  5. on oath
  6. on pain of
  7. on the air
  8. on balance
  9. on a diet
  10. on a journey
  11. on a trip
  12. on a large scale
  13. on a small scale
  14. on a pension
  15. on a regular basis
  16. on a spree
  17. on account of
  18. on an expedition
  19. on an island
  20. on approval
  21. on average
  22. on bail
  23. on behalf of
  24. on board
  25. on business
  26. on order
  27. on remand
  28. on show
  29. on strike
  30. on suspicion of
  31. on the agenda
  32. on the brink of
  33. on the dot
  34. on the edge of


  1. at high speed
  2. at risk
  3. at one's side
  4. at a fraction of
  5. at the outside
  6. at the end
  7. at sight
  8. at the double
  9. at one time
  10. at a discount
  11. at a distance
  12. at a glance
  13. at a guess
  14. at a loose and
  15. at a loss
  16. at a low ebb
  17. at a price
  18. at a rate of
  19. at a speed of
  20. at a standstill
  21. at all costs
  22. at all events
  23. at issue
  24. at large
  25. at least
  26. at length
  27. at liberty
  28. at most
  29. at night
  30. at noon
  31. at one's leisure
  32. at one's request
  33. at peace
  34. at war


  1. by law
  2. by nature
  3. by far
  4. by design
  5. by chance
  6. by the name of
  7. by luck
  8. by accident
  9. by air
  10. by sea
  11. by land
  12. by all accounts
  13. by all means
  14. by any standard
  15. by appointment
  16. by birth
  17. by check
  18. by coincidence
  19. by coourtesy of
  20. by definition
  21. by degrees
  22. by design
  23. by dint of
  24. by far
  25. by force
  26. by hand
  27. by heart
  28. by law
  29. by marriage
  30. by means of
  31. by mistake
  32. by no means
  33. by request
  34. by sight

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mengenal macam-macam binatang laut dalam bahasa inggris

Bahasa Inggris Dasar - Kali ini kita akan belajar tentang macam-macam binatang yang ada di dalam laut dengan menggunakan kata Bahasa Inggris. Pengenalan dasar ini semoga bisa membantu adik-adik yang sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya tentang satwa laut. Berikut ada 26 binatang laut dalam Bahasa Inggris :

  1. Clams = kerang
  2. Crab = kepiting
  3. Fish = ikan
  4. Seal = anjing laut
  5. Dolphin = lumba-lumba
  6. Shells = cangkang
  7. Oyster = tiram
  8. Shrimp = udang
  9. Sea orchin = bulu babi
  10. Cormorant = burung cormoran
  11. Octapus = gurita
  12. Whale = paus
  13. Pelican = burung pelikan
  14. Sea anemone = anemon laut
  15. Shark = hiu
  16. Seahorse = kuda laut
  17. Sea turtle = kura-kura laut
  18. Lobster = udang laut
  19. Walrus = anjing laut
  20. Starfish = bintang laut
  21. Squid = cumi-cumi
  22. Penguin = pinguin
  23. Seagul = burung camar
  24. Jellyfish = ubur-ubur
  25. Sea lion = singa laut
  26. Coral = karang

Jika ingin menonton video tentang macam-macam binatang laut dalam Bahasa Inggris, silahkan kunjungi videonya di https://fb.watch/3d45VDLKQ1/


Bahasa Inggris Dasar - Berikut admin share pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dasar tentang 20 Contoh Verbs of Body Movement Bahasa Inggris. Ada 20 kata kerja yang disertai dengan contoh kalimat dan kalian juga bisa mempelajari contoh verbs of body movement ini lewat video yang sudah saya share di grup hanibi.com. Semoga pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini bermanfaat buat anda.
verbs of body movement
1. Wave (melambaikan).
  • He waved his hand to me.
2. Talk (berbicara).
  • They talk about their family.
3. Drag (menyeret).
  • He drags black garbage.
4. Open (membuka).
  • He opened the door.
5. Put down (meletakkan).
  • Harry put down his glasses on the table.
6. Pick up (mengambil).
  • They pick up mushrooms.
7. Drop (menjatuhkan).
  • Ali drops ice cube in the glass.
8. Throw (melemparkan).
  • A man and a girl throw litter in reclycle bin.
9. Slip (terpeleset).
  • Andi slips on the ground.
10. Jog (lari pelan-pelan).
  • Two happy people jog in the park.
11. Hit (memukul).
  • She hits the ball hard.
12. Catch (menangkap).
  • A police catches thief.
13. Kick (menendang).
  • She kicks the ball.
14. Punch (memukul).
  • He punched me in the face.
15. Clap (bertepuk tangan).
  • They clap their hand together.
16. Dance (menari).
  • They dance hip hop on the stage.
17. Break (memecah).
  • A man breaks his clock.
18. Sit (duduk).
  • A man sits on the chair.
19. Run (berlari).
  • They run a marathon together.
20. Stand (berdiri).
  • He stands againts the wall 

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