Kali ini kita membahas mengenai contoh Teks Deskriptif [ Descriptive text ] yang berjudul "Vitamins and Minerals". Setelah membahas teks tersebut, diharapkan para siswa dapat menyebutkan kosakata yang berkaitan dengan "Vitamin and Minerals", membuat kalimat sederhana yang berhubungan dengan "Vitamin and Minerals", menyusun kalimat sederhana yang mendeskripsikan tentang "Vitamins and Minerals" dan melakukan monolog deskripsi tentang "Vitamins and Minerals" tertentu. Pada teks ini berisi pengetahuan yang memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya vitamin dan mineral dan dampak buruknya makanan ringan bagi tubuh manusia. Berikut teks deskriptif yang berjudul "Vitamins and Minerals".


Vitamins and minerals are very important, particularly when you're a teenager because your body is growing. We get almost all of our vitamins and minerals from the food that we eat. One of the reasons why junk food is bad for you is that it fills you up but doesn't contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

The two most important minerals are calcium and iron. You need calcium for strong bones and teeth. Iron helps your blood to carry oxygen among your body. We normally get our minerals from meat and fish.


Pembahasan yang pertama adalah pengenalan kosakata yang berkaitan dengan "Vitamins and Minerals" yang bisa dikelompokkan menjadi ;

1. Verbs : get, eat, fill, contain, need, help.

- We get almost all of our vitamins and ...
- ... minerals from the food that we eat.
- is that it fills you up but doesn't contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. 
- You need calcium for strong bones and teeth.
- Iron helps your blood to carry oxygen among your body.
- We normally get our minerals from meat and fish.
2. Nouns : vitamins, minerals, teenager, body, junk food, bones, teeth, blood, oxygen, meat, fish.

- Vitamins and minerals are very important ...
- ... particularly when you're a teenager because your body is growing.
- One of the reasons why junk food is bad for you ...
- The two most important minerals are calcium and iron.
- You need calcium for strong bones and teeth.
- Iron helps your blood to carry oxygen among your body.
- We normally get our minerals from meat and fish.

3. Adjectives : important, bad, strong.

- Vitamins and minerals are very important ...
- One of the reasons why junk food is bad for you.
- You need calcium for strong bones and teeth.


Setelah kita mencoba mengelompokkan kosakata, diantaranya ; verbs, nouns, dan adjectives. Pembahasan selanjutnya adalah pendalaman materi mengenai kalimat sederhana tentang "Vitamins and Minerals" ;

1. Kalimat Sederhana
Perhatikan pola kalimat berikut : S + V + O/C

- Vitamins and minerals are very important
- You need calcium for strong bones and teeth.
- The two most important minerals are calcium and iron.
- You need calcium for strong bones and teeth.
- Iron helps your blood to carry oxygen among your body.
- We normally get our minerals from meat and fish.

2. Membuat deskripsi dengan menggunakan What, Where, Why

a. What

- What do I need for strong bones and teeth ?
- You need calcium for strong bones and teeth

b. Where

- Where do we get almost all of our vitamins and minerals ?
- We get almost all of our vitamins and minerals from the food that we eat.

c. Why

- Why is junk food bad for you ?
- Because it fills you up but doesn't contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.


Setelah mengenal berbagai macam kosakata dan kalimat sederhana menyangkut teks diatas. Segmen yang terakhir adalah mengukur kompetensi siswa dalam memahami teks dengan mengerjakan latihan soal secara online.

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