The  workmen  who  were  building  the  new hospital  in my  town  caught  a snake  last month. It was  in the drain near  the building construction site. Early in the morning, a workman was just going to sit under the tree when suddenly he saw a long creature lying in the drain. It did not move when he was approaching  it. Then he shouted  to  the other workmen who were going to start  to work. Then, they caught the 8 – meter long python and brought it to the authority of the zoo in this town. The diameter of its body was about 25 centimeters. They believed that the snake might belong to someone living in the area. The police were trying to find the owner.

Setelah kita membaca Teks Recount diatas, cobalah untuk mencari Verbs/ Kata kerja yang ada didalamnya. Berikut kami uraikan teks tersebut per-kalimat hingga sampai selesai. Kata-kata yang dicetak tebal adalah VERBS :

1. The  workmen  who  were  building  the  new hospital  in my  town  caught  a snake  last month. 
  • were building = sedang membangun [ simple past continuous tense ]
  • caught = menangkap [ simple past tense ]
2. It was  in the drain near  the building construction site.
  • was = adalah [ to be ]
3. Early in the morning, a workman was just going to sit under the tree when suddenly he saw a long creature lying in the drain.
  • was going to = akan [ simple past future tense ]
  • saw = melihat [ simple past tense ]
  • lying = berbaring [ simple past continuous tense ] 
4. It did not move when he was approaching  it.
  • did not move = tidak bergerak/ diam [ simple past tense/ negative ]
  • was approaching = sedang mendekati [ simple past continuous tense ]
5. Then he shouted  to  the other workmen who were going to start  to work.
  • shouted to = berteriak [ simple past tense ]
  • were going to = akan [ simple past future tense ]
6. Then, they caught the 8 – meter long python and brought it to the authority of the zoo in this town.
  • caught = menangkap [ simple past tense ]
  • brought = membawa [ simple past tense ]
7. The diameter of its body was about 25 centimeters.
  • was = adalah [ to be ] 
8. They believed that the snake might belong to someone living in the area.
  • believed = percaya [ simple past tense ] 
9. The police were trying to find the owner.
  • were trying = sedang mencoba [ simple past continuous tense ] 

Setelah kita uraikan dan kita artikan satu per satu, dapat kita ketahui bahwa terdapat banyak kata kerja simple past tense dan simple past continuous didalamnya. Ciri-ciri atau language features dari Teks Recount sendiri adalah kata kerjanya berbentuk past tense. Sekian dulu pembahasan mengenai Verbs/ Kata kerja di dalam teks Recount. Jika ingin latihan soal Simple past Tense dan Simple Past Continuous Tense, silahkan klik link dibawah ini :

  1. EXERCISE 1  
  2. EXERCISE 2  
  3. EXERCISE 3  
  4. EXERCISE 4  
  5. EXERCISE 5  
  6. EXERCISE 6  
  7. EXERCISE 7  

 Happy Studying !

References : BSE IX Grade, ego4u.com
Picture : BSE IX Grade



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